воскресенье, 28 сентября 2014 г.

Tourism in Uzbekistan - 'Thinking of Registan Square in Samarkand'

All articles written before in my blog for the development of tourism were in the vicinity of Samarkand and its suburbs. First I would venture to write about Samarkand itself. Read and post your comments. I do respect your opinions. Vafoev.R.

   Registan Square is the jewel of the East every year visited by thousands of foreign and local tourists. Every two years here it is held an international music festival '' Shark Taronalari '' Melodies of Orient '. In this case, Registan Square is mainly used as an amphitheater. And the internal space of the ensemble is used primarily as a place for the sale of souvenirs. The only exception is Tilla-Kari spacious patio that spawns inside turned into a kind of museum restoration of historical monuments of Samarkand. There are numerous photographs of monuments before restoration and after restoration which may be of interest except that only specialists.

    But madrassas was firstly center of education and must be the same, not only outside but inside this nickname.
    Given all this, and to attract more tourists suggest.

      Ulugbek madrassah
   Built by ruler of Central Asia, the grandson of Amir Temur
Ulugbek himself a scientist astronomer. The size of madrassas [81x51m yard 30x30]
   Madrasah was designed by the architect at the court of his father Mirzo Ulugbek Shoxrux by famous ensembles in Herat [city in Afghanistan] Kavamaddin Sherazi.

There is an evidence that Ulugbek himself taught in the madrasah where repeatedly held debates with students and scientists. In my time here lectures Alisher Navoi and Abdurrahman Jami. There were studied theology in addition to mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and other sciences.
Therefore, I suggest the premises where the study carried out to create a library or better yet a place where books are sold.
It should firstly life Koran holy book for Muslims as well as a book of our ancestors - Imam al Bukhariy, Am Termiziy and other scholars of Islam.

  Abu Abdullah ibn Ismail al Bukhariy 810-870 native of the city of Bukhara modern Uzbekistan, was a famous hadith collector teachings (hadith is saying and deeds of our Prophet Muhammad Sallalohi alayhi vassals) by the second on the value of the book after the Koran 'Al-Jami al-Sahih'. Tradition he collected hundreds of thousands of hadith which 300tysyach knew by heart. For writing the book in 1080, he met with the experts of hadith. But in his book 7275 came the most reliable hadith.

    A great scientist died in 870 AD in the village of Ismail Hoxha Hartang now about 20 km from Samarkand.

  (Read on this same blog my article "From Samarkand to Hodge Ismail al Bukhariy possible to build a walking path. ')

    Here life has yet to book Iso Abu Muhammad al-Termiziy as' Al Jami al-Sahih '', '' Al Nabawi Shamo en ',' Al ilal fil Hadith 'book another scholar Abu Mansur al Moturidy as' Kitab al-Tawhid 'and other scholars of Islam.

    But in contrast to the West in the Muslim East was divided science from religion .In madrasas of Bukhara, Samarkand, Khorezm studied as discussed earlier except theology even mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, Arabic grammar, the basics of poetry, and even geography.

   Central Asia, including present-day Uzbekistan has long been famous for its scholars who have left a rich legacy in the form of books written by him.
    Books scientists such as Mahmud Kashgar Khorazmiy Al Ahmad Al Fargoniy Abu Rayhon Beruni, Abu Ali Ibn Sino, Ulugbek and other except in the language they were written Arabic, Persian, and old Uzbek translated in the Middle Ages and then later in the tens of languages ​​in the first place on the European.

This could include books and the Central Asian poets and writers who have been written mostly by Turkic-old Uzbek and Tajik-Persian languages. Here is an example of some of these scholars and poets, writers and their work.

   Abu Jafar ibn Musa al Khorazmiy 783-850. He was born in the vicinity of present-day Uzbekistan Khiva. The most famous work of a scientist is the 'Al Kitab al-Mukhtasar fi hisob al Jabr al mukobala in' from the name of which was later reduced and convenient pronunciation of the word 'algebra'. Al is the founder of the science Khorazmiy algebra.

      Abu Ali Ibn Sino ie Avicenna. 980-1037. Born in a village near the city of Bukhara Afshona modern Uzbekistan. He has written dozens of books, mostly about medicine. His most famous work is the 'Al-Adviyat al Kalb' is a book about medicinal plants and 'Kitab al Kunun fi Tibb-t' that is' Canon of Medicine '.' Canon of Medicine in the XII century was translated from Arabic into Latin. After the beginning of the printing press in Europe in the XV-XVI centuries the book became the most printed book after the Bible.

      Abu Rayhon Beruniy 973-1048. He was burn in a modern city Beruniy (the ancient city Kyat) Karakalpakstan Republic of Uzbekistan. Scientists have known except Arabic and Persian have Sanskrit and Greek. Studied a lot of books in these languages. He not only defined the sphericity of the earth but almost accurately measured the radius of the earth (more than 6000 km in the current unit of measurement). At the same time he used his method on the degree of reduction of the horizon when viewed from the mountain.

    By studying the flow of the seas, he conjectured that for sea off the coast of Andalucia (Andalusia is a modern Spain which then was under the rule of Muslims) there is a big land which were confirmed after the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. He is survived by his 150 works which covered a variety of branches of science such as mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, geology and mineralogy, geography and cartography, history and even ethnography. Unfortunately until we reached only 30 of his books.
     Abulkosym Firdavsiy.935-1020. He was born in Tus modern Iran. The most famous works of the poet's poem 'Shohnoma' ie 'Book of Kings'. The book is about the real and the mythical history of the peoples of Central Asia, Afghanistan and Iran from the Creation to the Arab invasion in the form of poetry in Persian. At the court of the Timurid were special readers of this poem that is –reading Shaxnoma which differed beautiful voice and read out loud to others. The book is included in the World Heritage as' The Iliad 'and' Odyssey 'the Greeks' Mahabharata' and 'Ramayana' Indians, '' The Tale of Igor's Campaign 'in Russian.

      Mahmoud Kashgari .1029-1101.Rodilsya village Barskoon Issykkulskoy field of modern Kyrgyzstan. Exercises known primarily his book 'Sofa lugat at-Turk' is a dictionary of Turkic peoples .For writing this book teachings traveled from modern Western China to modern Turkey. During this journey, he studied history, dictionary, folklore, epic and lyrical songs and ethnography of the Turkic peoples living in these territories.

    And he presented and dedicated his book then Caliph of devout Muslims in Baghdad, Muqtada al. Khalifa took his book awarded scholar and ordered to rewrite and multiply. In modern parlance, he defended his thesis on the Turkic peoples on what not to be a degree, thereby facilitating the work of contemporary scholars.

     Omar Hayyam.1048-1131.Rodilsya and died in the city of Nishapur modern Iran. We all know it as the author of the world-famous quatrain-Roubaix in the Persian language.

        Who broken life profit that will achieve greater
        Having eaten a peck of salt above values ​​honey
        Who tears pouring down that genuine laughs
        Who died knows what lives

But he was also the author of several mathematical paths and accurate solar calendar which is used officially in the XI century in Iran.

     During the Mongol invasion in the beginning of the XIII century. Under the leadership of Genghis Khan science, prose and poetry were quiet and many scholars have moved to other places. At that time there were very few books written. But starting from the XIV century, during the reign of Timurids who were great patrons of scholars by our scientists, poets and writers again have been written many great books.

     Ulugbek (1394-1449) as discussed earlier grandson of Timur by order of which was built many madrassas, including the one about which we speak.

   From history we know many masters in the West and in the East, who were patrons of science here but in the face of Ulugbek that rare if not the only case that the master himself engaged in an exact science of astronomy.

     His main scientific work which honored him for the whole world beat his book 'Zij jadidi Guragoni' ie 'New Guraganovy astronomical tables'. The data in this table is slightly different from the current data. In the north eastern suburbs of modern Samarkand preserved remains of the observatory built by Ulugbek most used for writing this book.

    Astronomy Handbook was translated into Latin and was a tool in all the observatories of Europe in the Middle Ages.

    Alisher Navoi 1441-1501. He was born and lived in the city of Herat modern Afghanistan. He was the chief vizier minister in the court Timurids ruler in Herat Mirza Husayn Boykari. Great Uzbek poet and writer. Rare case when writing the poems in two languages​​. Besides in ancient Uzbek he also wrote in Persian under the pseudonym Fony. In this he was not bothered that the two languages ​​are so different and come in different language families. About it, he even wrote a scientific book 'dispute of the two languages​​' where he compared the Turkic-old Uzbek languages ​​from the Tajik-Persian. But the most famous of his works is the 'Hamsa' -'Pyateritsa' which consists of five poems - 'Layla and Majnun' ',' 'Swept righteous',' Farhad and Shirin 'and' Wall of Iskander '

    Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur 1483-1530 the great-grandson of the great conqueror Amir Temur was born in Andijan region of Uzbekistan was a poet, scholar, writer and founder of the great conqueror of the Mughal dynasty in India.

   Babur conquered India from the north around the time when the first Europeans penetrated into India from the south across the Indian Ocean. But unlike them, it held little interest for gold, precious stones and even more spices. He zealously scientist interested in the first fauna and flora, and then history, have language and ethnography, even under his control of the country.

   However, he still managed to write about this book in their native Uzbek language the world-famous 'BOBURNOMA'. The book was firstly autobiographical in it he wrote from the departure of his native city of Andijan to arrival and conquest of India. But the most interesting part of the book is the material as already mentioned above about India itself. Everything seen especially in the fauna and flora he likened to a native of Central Asia. This is seen when he introduces us to the exotic to the native inhabitants of Central Asia, fruits and vegetables. Even where there is extensive material about the language, custom and be the then India. Book during his lifetime has been translated into Persian as Uzbek (Turkic) knew only parts of his household warriors and nobles accompanying him from most of Central Asia. Praise be to Allah that reached us, and old Uzbek and Persian version of this book. The book is also translated into many European languages​​.

    If so you can still continue to give an example of the tens and more scientists, writers and poets, and they wrote the book, but I think enough.

   Books must be in English, Russian, and if it will be a demand for other languages ​​as well as in the language in which the book was written in the original.

   By the way about the original books - if it is possible to create a read-as well as a precious souvenir for tourists exact copy of the original or the earliest codices. This could also include the earliest European manuscript. In this case, use a paper produced by the old technology artisan in the village of Coney Gil in the Samarkand region. (This you can read in the same blog in my article - 'Samarkand city thousands ')

    And for a wide readership of course there need of such books as 'The Thousand and One Night', a medieval oriental novels, quatrain of Omar Khayyam, etc.

    Salesman or saleswoman these books should life people with higher education who is familiar with the history of Central Asia, including Uzbekistan and speak foreign languages.

    That's still all I can offer for the design of indoor Ulugbek Madrasah. We now turn to the discussion of the next madrassas Registan Square.

Medrece  Sher-Dor

Built in 1619-1636 years the governor of Bukhara Khan in Samarkand Yalangtush-Bahadur. Dimensions madrasa is 70h56m and 30h38m yard. The composition of the yard is two floors hujras (premises where they lived trained in madrassas), four quinces, on the main facade of the two-darshonas (classrooms). Here too, as in the Ulugbek Madrasah at the entrance on both sides were built magnificent tower-minaret.

   But the main decoration of the madrasah tympanum over a large portal arch which depicted the white tiger rushed Lan on background shining sun with a human face. Actually because of the image where the name of Sher-Dor madrassah that is 'Decorated tigers'.

In the mosaic pieces on the portal madrassas preserved inscription name under whose orders it was constructed madrassas and the name of the architect Abdul Jabbar.

    In the premises of the madrasa I would suggest to create a museum office and clerical work on the ancient Central Asia. And the exhibits in the museum in the first place should be the life of the famous Samarkand paper is still produced as discussed earlier writing materials in the form of feathers, decorative ornaments inkwells, lavh-that is, a table for books, etc.

  In addition to these there must be life replica of the original documents preserved in the museums at the Samarkand paper for civil and public documents as a marital union, documents on the division of property among heirs, debt obligation at mediation kazihona -sudebnye office, documents about waqf property (real estate and the land of the profits of which were kept clergy and educational institutions including madrasas), and even such documents unless of course it is possible to order the documents on the execution and clemency, the correspondence between the rulers of the messengers, etc.
  And now for the last madrasah on Registan Square.


Also built on the orders of Yalantush-Bahadur in 1647-1660 and thereby completing the Registan ensemble. At the entrance to the main facade is built on two floors. Left of the entrance is a large mosque. Area of ​​the mosque has been increased due to the opening of the side walls of the arch-dome galleries. The interior of the mosque used machinery multicolor, gold leaf painting on relief ornament determined the name of madrassas - 'Tilla-Kori which means' gold coated.

Between Sher Dor and Tilla-Kori is the tomb of Shaybanid dynasty. That's basically short of madrassas.
Offered in indoor madrassas create a permanent exhibition of copies of medieval oriental pictures- thumbnails.

First a few words about the most miniatures. How do we know Islam forbids images of living beings all the more human. Therefore, the Muslim world has not been the artists who painted large canvases. The only exception is the pages of books except of course religious. But this book was not intended for a wide range. Owners of these books were khans and shahs, Vazirs and other officials sometimes very rich people. Nevertheless, we heard through the pages of books hundreds of colorful miniatures. Unfortunately, many of them kept in European museums.

    Only under the rule of doing the work of artists Temurids miniaturists as Abd al Razzok, Darwesh Mohammed, Dust Muhammad Ali and skew particularly distinguished among them Kamoliddin Bekhzod of which reached us 30 beautiful paintings, miniature.

   These miniatures were depicted in books like 'Shahnoma' '' 'Hamsa' and others. Books of the great Uzbek poet Alisher Navoi was decorated lovely thumbnail on his personal request. Only in the book 'BOBURNOMA' other Uzbek poet and writer, as discussed earlier the founder of the dynasty of Great Magolov in India were 96 beautifully decorated multicolored miniatures.

   In the miniatures depicting animals, plants, the construction of mosques and madrassas, mythical and real characters from books whose pages have been painted, and the great battles of the rulers.

Samples of medieval Oriental miniatures:

The exhibition will present the necessary accurate color copy these pictures thumbnails only in the amount of European paintings in the paintings. In this case, use only Samarkand paper from Coney Gil. Here it is necessary to consider that totally unacceptable paintings by contemporary miniature artists.
Only on the patio, you can arrange the exhibition of modern masters of miniature artists desirable on contemporary themes and subsequent sell-these paintings.

  Another proposal. Since for each of these pictures left comments on the content and location of paintings, miniatures in English, Russian, Uzbek, and the language of the original picture is not necessarily a comment guide or tour guide. However, this poses no loud that it was heard only in the room where the exhibition is held, oriental melodies desirable classics from the Uzbek-Tajik music famous 'Shashmaqom'. This is a very enhances visitors experience gained from paintings, miniatures.
  Now let's talk about the only civilian to Registan Square is a shopping center;

   Registan Square medieval mall CHORSU

  Hexagonal building built in the XV century and restored in the XVIII century, the only building for the needs of ordinary people, the shopping center in modern language is a kind of oriental department. Chorsu translated from Persian as a crossroads, however worldwide trading markets will be created in the corners.

This facility should be used for its intended purpose ie trade. Just in this case it can be used for the sale of souvenirs. Here you can create a separate series for sale Samarkand bread especially 'chapchak' and 'shirmoy' in which the high demand of the guests.
Only the size of cakes was small because many foreigners do not consume bread in large quantities. Sales woman at most one or two people in white robes and with knowledge of foreign languages ​​and cultural serve tourists. The same can be said of the sellers of souvenirs.

  Before I tell you my final opinion on the Registan ensemble again remind their proposals for improvement of the Madrasa in Registan Square.
1. Organise selling books of medieval eastern authors smokers Ulugbek madrasah.
2. Organise museum office and clerical work in the premises of Sher Dor.
3. Organise permanent exhibition of medieval oriental paintings, miniatures indoors Tilla-Kori.
4. Buy souvenirs in the medieval trading center - 'Chor-Su'.
  And what significance these simple proposal submitted by me in support of our city and country.
   Firstly it is a tribute to our great fore fathers scientists, poets and writers, and the builders of these wonderful historical monuments.
   Educates our young in the spirit of patriotism and pride of its people and the country.
  It will be a wonderful place for a cultural visit our compatriots and guests.
But most importantly, it serves as the prosperity of tourism in our city and country with respect your Vafoev Rustam.


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